Enhanced freshness of leafy greens: new insights into active packaging powered by Vidre+™

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Blog | Wednesday February 19, 2025

Leafy greens, such as spinach or arugula, have a well-deserved reputation for their nutritious values. Yet, keeping them fresh throughout the supply chain poses a challenge. New data confirms that Vidre+™ offers an effective solution to protect freshness in leafy greens. After 29 days, 90% of arugula leaves protected with Vidre+™ were healthy and green, compared to only 20% in the control group.

Active packaging powered by Vidre+™

Vidre+™ technology transforms every packaging product into active packaging with an enhanced freshness function. It doesn’t require new infrastructure and can easily integrate into existing production processes improving operational efficiency and sustainability across the supply chain.

Through a patented delivery system, Vidre+™ integrates seamlessly into the packaging to protect leafy greens from the damaging effects of ethylene. By reducing spoilage and extending the shelf life of leafy greens, Vidre+™ also addresses the food waste problem.


Arugula: prolonging quality

Arugula is particularly sensitive to ethylene, leading to rapid decay and leaf yellowing. An extended, 29-day study evaluated the effect of Vidre+™ on two commercial varieties of California-grown and processed arugula leaves — Extrema and Bellezia during refrigerated (1-2° C) storage.

Photo: Fresh Inset — Arugula visual quality score

The trial results showed reduced leaf yellowing, decay, wilting, and weight loss. Produce protected by Vidre+™ technology had only 10% yellow leaves through day 29, compared to 80% in the control group.

Photo: Day 24 Arugula Evaluation

Spinach: enhanced freshness

The latest 18-day trial in California evaluated the benefits of using Vidre+™ on two baby spinach varieties – Springfield and Nordic during post-harvest handling in refrigerated storage at 5° C.

Photo: Fresh Inset — Spinach quality rating over storage time

The trial showed consistent, impressive results, with both spinach varieties maintaining good to excellent quality for up to 10 days, compared to 4 days for untreated produce. Also, Vidre+™ technology minimized weight loss by 2.3% across all trials.

Photo: Day 7 Spinach Evaluation

Key takeaways:

Thanks to the active packaging powered by Vidre+™, the wastage of leafy greens can be significantly reduced. With fewer yellow leaves over time and less weight loss, each stakeholder along the supply chain benefits.

  • The newest data confirms that Vidre+™ significantly improves the freshness of arugula and spinach.
  • Vidre+™ successfully transforms any packaging into active packaging.
  • Active packaging powered by Vidre+™ benefits growers, retailers, and consumers.
  • Environmental impact is minimized thanks to reduced losses along the supply chain.



The results presented in this press release are based on a single conducted study. Please note that these are preliminary findings. Additional studies may provide further insights and perspectives.

*Source: The research on spinach was commissioned by Fresh Inset and conducted by Dr. Carlos H. Crisosto, a Distinguished Professor and Postharvest Specialist at the University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (research conducted in 2024).

**Source: The research on arugula was carried out by leafy greens industry experts: Joan Rosen and Barbara Hines (research conducted in 2024).

***Other sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2022): The benefits of fruits and vegetables: Ensuring healthy diets.

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