The top-most technology
on the market to extend the freshness
and shelf life of fruit and vegetables
Reduce losses in food supplies, reduce costs and protect the planet.
Try Vidre+

Extend shelf life with the world’s most flexible technology
Find Your Crop
Create functional packaging
for extended freshness
with customizable stickers
or printable complex
Easily administer the right dose for your pack size with the ONLY freshness extension solution that has an adjustable dose rate and can be applied at any point in the postharvest supply chain via a simple sticker or enhanced packaging.
Powerful. Patented. Protection.
Any crop size.
Any packaging.
Any point in the supply chain.
Enjoy the highest possible protection in storage, during transport and at retail with patented timed and gradual release over an extended period.
Do you know that…
Thanks to the use of Vidre+ TM, it became possible to export avocados from Peru to Asia? We help growers and suppliers from all over the world to push the boundaries!
Simple. Affordable. Flexible.
No reorganization or additional capital investment required.
No cold rooms
No atmosphere regulation
No humidification systems
Smart packaging and active agent stickers
Our innovative approach to ethylene control technology
Proven and safe method
How does it work? Vidre+ TM works by blocking the binding of ethylene to the receptor sites in plant cells, promoting freshness and extended shelf life by slowing the ripening process.
Effect: Reduces the effect of ethylene by slowings ripening processes
Patented timed and gradual release
Once triggered by humidity, Vidre+ TM releases an ethylene blocker gradually over time for maximum effectiveness.
Universal method
Works on most types of fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Do you know that…
Vidre+ TM can be used with returnable, biodegradable and recyclable packaging. This results in another benefit: we get packaging that is both smart and environmentally friendly at the same time.
One solution, multiple uses
100% of the fruit remain green even after 46 days
shelf life prolongation
slowing down the ripening processes
delaying the softening
pulp damage prevention
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Extended freshness for up to 10 days
reduces respiration
slows down weight loss
maintains firmness
protects acidity, flavor, and anti-oxidant content
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Shelf life extended by up to 200%
protects stems and florets against yellowing and rotting
preserves the antioxidants: carotenoids, ascorbic acid, glucosinolates
protects chlorophyll and vitamins
reduces respiration
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Firm and delicious fruit
reducing respiration
maintains firmness
prevents weight loss
protects of stem color
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Firm fruit and better stem quality
protects against weight loss and dehydration
maintains green rachisfirmness improvement
maintains taste
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Green bean
Greener pods and reduced spotting
respiration decrease
slows down lignification processes
preserves the crispness and proper vitamin levels
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Firmer and higher quality fruit
maintains firmness
reducesgray mold (Botrytis)
higher levels of Vitamin C
slows down respiration
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Leafy vegetables
Shelf life of lettuce mixes extended by 50%
delays aging of leaf tissue
protection against wilting
reduces yellowing or rusty spots
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Color and firmness extended
dehydration prevention
maintains firmness and color of the skin
better taste
full nutritional value
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Firm fruit with no spots
protection from softening
maintains vitamin content
decrease in SDA (Sunken Discolored Areas)
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Longer weight maintenance
reduces weight loss
maintains firmness
protects against browning
slows oxidation
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Extended transport and better sales opportunities
protection from softening and cellular breakdown
slows color development
Bolsters natural response to disease
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Better appearance and nutritional value
delaying degradative processes
maintaining high levels of chlorophyll, protein and Vitamin
Slows wrinkling and dehydration
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Extended durability and easy transportation
firmness maintanance
protection against key stresses like frostbite
preventing from browning
protection against calyx separation
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Better control over ripening process from the moment of reddening
protection against softening
maintains taste
reduces respiration
slows necrotic spotting and tissue degradation
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Prolonged petal longevity
Enhanced color retention
Reduced wilting
Stronger stems
More flowers/ enhanced blooming
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Reduced premature flower drop and bud blast
Less discoloration and distortion
Extended lifespan
Eco-friendly alternative to silver-based products
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Prolonged petal longevity
Enhanced color retention
Reduced wilting
Stronger stems
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Do you know that…
Depending on the plant species, the use of Vidre+ TM can extend its shelf life from a few days up to even 2 months.
1/3 of the world's food is wasted. Vidre+ TM significantly reduces this phenomenon
Why is the Vidre+ TM technology so effective in the fight against fruit and vegetable waste?
Vidre+ TM has all the necessary features of ecological solutions that have a real impact on the natural environment around the world.
Smart packaging and ethylene blocker stickers are a refreshing breakthrough in providing highly flexible post-harvest protection methods for fruits, vegetables and florals.
So versatile, they can be used by large companies and smaller growers alike.
Find out more
Beyond freshness, Vidre+ makes it simple, affordable, flexible and profitable to protect your fruits, vegetables and flowers
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